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gratta e vinci

un mio cliente, supermercato CRAI, ha pure i gratta e vinci, non mi porta mai l'aggio? Si pagano le tasse sull aggio dei gratta e vinci? devo registrare solo l'aggio? Preciso che si tratta di contabilità ordinaria
Riferimento: gratta e vinci

salve , lavoro nel settore (gratta e vinci) ed io l'aggio lo comunico al mio commmercialista e ti posso assicurare che si pagano le tasse!!!
Riferimento: gratta e vinci

E non solo: essendo in contabilità ordinaria, ad occhio e croce direi che piuttosto che l'aggio bisognerà contabilizzare a costi e ricavi.
Made in China

We used to don't like the word like “ Is Made in China “ in the past. Because our country was not developed, especially in science, technology and economy. But it's changed a lot now. China's getting stronger and stronger increasingly in the world today. Many subjects such as electronics, tea, clothes, lighter, shoes, bags ect. Are made in China . You can see the situation is very common, even you travelled abroad.At the moment, you'll have a feeling of proud. The articles by China's manufacturers are not only in a good quality, but also in a great many of quantity, and in a very lower price. For example, a same suit made in China, might marked five to ten dollars that would cost one hundred dollars that made in Western countries. Many people couldn't afford for it but Chinese goods are most popular now than ever before.The popularation of Chinese objcets is almost covered the market place all over the world, including the European and American markets.