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Associazione Culturale



vorrei sapere dove posso trovare delle informazioni in merito alle Associazioni Culturali per quanto riguarda la dichiarazione dei redditi.

Faccio parte di un'associazione molto piccola, che sommando le quote associative non supera i 300 euro, svolge le sue attività solo per volontariato e in alcune fiere raccoglie offerte per auto-finanziare le sue attività culturali (somme totali annuali inferiori ai 250-300 euro.).

Basa praticamente la sua attività sul "volontariato" offerto dagli associati.

Vorrei sapere, deve presentare una dichiarazione dei redditi? Deve presentare qualche dichiarazione? Deve compilare il modello EAS con scadenza 15 Dicembre 2009?

Grazie per l'aiuto
Riferimento: Associazione Culturale

ecco le risposte:

1) vorrei sapere dove posso trovare delle informazioni in merito alle Associazioni Culturali per quanto riguarda la dichiarazione dei redditi.

Nel testo unico imposte sui redditi, articolo 148 e legge iva articolo 4

2) Vorrei sapere, deve presentare una dichiarazione dei redditi?

Se non svolge attività commerciali non è tenuta alla dichiarazione dei redditi.

3) Deve presentare qualche dichiarazione?

Se in possesso di partita iva si, anche in bianco.

4) Deve compilare il modello EAS con scadenza 15 Dicembre 2009?

si deve compilarlo.


Irish Gifts for the Musically InclinedLooking For Some Traditional Music?One of the things that most of our Irish Gifts customers tell us is that they enjoy giving and receiving traditional Irish music. This wow power leveling is one of many such requests for our Irish Gifts music selections. We carry a full line of traditional music such as Celtic Voyage. This is one of our best sellers and includes such tunes as My Wild Irish Rose, The Rose of Tralee as well as other traditional songs from Ireland’s heritage. Paddie Cole is the featured musician on this particular CD. This is chock full of traditional Irish melodies that will cause fond memories of Ireland.Christmas Music for the HolidaysIrish Gifts have holiday flair and during the holidays, one of the most requested Irish Gifts is of Christmas music. There are many CD’s to choose from when requesting Christmas CD’s. One of our top sellers is John McDermott’s Warhammer Online Gold Christmas Memories CD. This best seller is chock full of wonderful Christmas songs such as Panis Angelicus, Suo Guan and other instrumental melodies such as Away in a Manger, and the Holly and The Ivy. Other gaia gold favorites include: Ave Maria, Old Tin Star and Memories of Christmas. There are also other Christmas CD’s by various artists that can make this holiday season so much brighter. Come check out all of our Christmas music and see what we have in SNW vis store for you this holiday season.Want To Play A Musical Instrument?Irish Gifts have something for everyone and a good one for those musically inclined. Irish Gifts now offers musical instruments for your gift giving pleasure! We carry an assortment of musical instruments such as the Irish Tin Whistle and the Bodran. These musical instruments will help you to learn to play the music of Ireland. We offer two types of the Bodran, both are 18 inches. One is a plain Bodran, the other is a aion power leveling Guinness Bodran. Both are playable and include both the drum and mallets. The Bodran is one of the main accompaniment instruments in Ireland, and is similar to a drum in other nations.