Technology in Organisation

Technology in Organisation

Roberta Cuel, Aurelio Ravarini, Luisa Varriale - Maggioli Editore - 158 pagine

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(20,90 € IVA Compresa)
Data: 18/01/2021
Tipologia: Libro-di-Carta

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Technologies, and digital technologies in particular, are now generally considered one of the driving forces of change and indeed the dominant ordering principle in every organisation - from start-ups to large corporations and public administrations.

This book invites the reader to reflect on the concept of the organisation by proposing multifaceted theories and methodological choices on the role of technological evolution in organisation change.

Using a historical interpretation lens, the book enables greater understanding of technological change in social institutions from the intrinsically interdisciplinary perspective of organisational theory.

With the description of case studies and concrete experience, it sheds light on the fact that digital technologies are potential resources for organisation design and, at the same time, are conditioned by the behaviours, perceptions and knowledge of the individuals who adopt them.

On the basis of a socio-technical approach, this book contributes to identifying a correct approach to the problems of managing digital technologies by avoiding the traps of rhetorical innovation and uncritical acceptance of what mainstream managerial discourse takes for granted.

The hope is that the debate presented in this book will long continue.


Roberta Cuel (Ph.D.)
is Associate Professor of Organization Studies and Human Resource Management in the Department of Economics and Management, University of Trento. Her research interests and teaching activities include the impacts of ICT on organisations, intangible assets and knowledge, routines and practices, as well as on teams and communities.
Aurelio Ravarini (Ph.D.)
is Associate Professor of Organization Studies and Human Resource Management in the Department of Integrated Enterprise Management, Università C. Cattaneo - LIUC, Castellanza. His research interests and teaching activities include digital transformation, strategic information systems, and information systems development.
Luisa Varriale (Ph.D.)
is Associate Professor of Organization Studies and Human Resource Management in the Department of Sport Science and Wellbeing, University of Naples “Parthenope”. Her research and teaching activities include the fields of event management, mentoring relationships, knowledge sharing and creation, e-learning and e-teaching, and sustainability.

Isbn: 8891646088

SKU FT-43654 - Ulteriori informazioni: cat1focus / cat2societa_e_imprese